- Interpersonal & Work Communication <body>

Name: Leon Teng Kian Lun
Age    : 23
BOD  : 21/07/1993

Communicate the Love

- the human connection
-is the key to personal and
 career success.
            -Paul J. Meyer

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Sunday, 9 April 2017
Reflection on Learning in the Course

In the first post, I had to set two objectives that I would like to achieve by the end of this course. This will be the last post and is a reflection on the extent to which I have achieved or not achieved the objectives.

For a quick refresh, the first objective I set was to enhance my capability in verbal communication, whereby I could be more persuasive such that I would be able to persuade my client in purchasing products and accepting my idea. I believed that I have achieved this objective to a certain extent, because I have met some situation recently and I am able to convince the other parties to agree on my ideas. This objective not only resulting to my ideas finally got approve by others, but it also made me feel happy that my contribution was recognized. I will continue practicing on this objective and making each situation or discussion a lesson for improvement.

On the second objective, I have set was to improve on written communication where it will result to people understanding what I am trying to say through written sentences. I must thank Dr. Lee for making some time to correct my English sentencing structure. From her help, I felt that I have slightly improved on my writing and phrasing my sentences. I may not have perfect it yet, but if I continue not skipping steps for my writing and doing my own proof read, I will be able reduce the gap to perfection.

So, after reading my reflection post, what do you think about yourself? Have you achieved your objective?