Name: Leon Teng Kian Lun
Age    : 23
BOD  : 21/07/1993
Communicate the Love
Communication - the human connection -is the key to personal and
 career success.
            -Paul J. Meyer
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Sunday, 15 January 2017
How important is it for you to develop effective communication skills? What might you do in this course to help yourself develop as an effective interpersonal communicator?
communication skills are like a key to success in many things in life. With
good develop effective communication skill, it helps us with better
relationships with friends and family. With such development, it brings many
benefits which will help us in either on work or family relationship. Therefore,
having effective communication skills is important. To help myself to develop as an effective interpersonal communicator, I
will learn to identify what is my preferred style of communicating with others
and learn to listen from others as well. Which I have learn in polytechnic
time, I have learnt about verbal and non- verbal communication such as body
language, therefore I will continue to pick up on those that are not taught or
forgotten to strengthen up on my communication skills and apply it as a
practice on either daily life or during lesson time.